
食品,百貨茶,草藥-Bravo Teas & Herbs, Inc., 降壓,花茶,無咖啡因,20包,1.06 oz (30 g)床的世界

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  • Healthy Blood Pressure Balance & Heart
  • 100% Natural
  • Herbal Supplement
  • Naturally Caffeine Free
  • Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Naturally Caffeine Free
  • Vegan
  • No Artificial Flavoring
  • No Preservatives
  • Gluten Free
Skillfully Blended for Superior Results!

Time Tested Benefits:

Bravo Teas are based on the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, a natural holistic system that has been practiced for over 4000 years, cultivating health and wellness.

Bravo Tea Guarantee: Only premium, top quality herbs go into our teas. We use wild grown, hand crafted herbs whenever possible to ensure that you get the best mother nature can offer.

Jasmine Infused Flavor: The natural flavors of the precious herbs in each of our teas are delicately woven with the smooth and refreshing taste of jasmine flowers to create a deliciously balanced brew every time you enjoy a cup of Bravo Tea.

The Way of Traditional Chinese Herbalism

The right combination and quality of each herb working togeth床的世界er harmoniously makes all the difference.

This effective, time-honored formula combines wild aprocynum venetum with other precious herbs into a naturally delicious and soothing blend to maintain blood pressure balance and healthy heart functions.

Bravo Teas & Herbs, Inc., 降壓,花茶,無咖啡因,20包,1.06 oz (30 g)






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